Welcome to the Nuneaton Speedway Supporters Club

The Nuneaton Speedway Supporters Club is independent and open to all speedway fans.


We offer regular events featuring guest speakers from all walks of speedway life. All proceeds from the events are used to support and encourage young British speedway riders. We work very closely with Neil Vatcher and sponsor GB Youth Speedway.

Latest news


Dates for your diaries;

Come and join us. Everybody welcome. All proceeds for British Youth Speedway.



18th February  TBC


18th March  Scott Nicholls


15th April  An evening with the British Speedway Network (BSN)


Unless otherwise stated, all NSSC events are held at the Brandon Club, starting at 8pm.

Address; Brandon Club, Main Street, Brandon, Coventry, CV8 3HW.


Everybody welcome:

Annual membership £10 (£5 concessions). 
Event charges: Members £2, non-members £4.



Keep in touch with us on Twitter: @NSSCspeedway

Our commitment to British Youth speedway in 2025.


We are delighted to announce that this year we will again be donating £2000 to support the GB Young Lions. We work closely with Neil Vatcher to ensure that the funds support riders in the British Youth Championships and also offer help for young riders representing GB in European and World competitions.

We support the foundation that the future of British speedway is built upon.


Our funds are generated by members and non-members who support our guest evenings. 


Of course none of what we do is possible without support from the speedway fraternity. So thank you to all the riders, referees, team managers, promoters and media who give up their time to entertain and educate us at our guest evenings and in turn support the GB Young Lions.


Here's hoping for a safe and successful 2025 season!



Our special Ben' Fund evening at the NSSC in June 2019. 
Our very special guests were Paul Ackroyd, Lawrence Hare, Joe Owen, Bruce Cribb, Jim McMillan and our host Peter York.
The highlight of the night was the auction of race jackets & trophies generously donated by Tommy Knudsen. The total raised by the auction was £2305 including £650 for Tommy's 1979 Bees jacket bought by avid Bees collector Rad Tomala. The total raised on the night including the raffle and collection was £2620.21. Thank you to all our guests, the generosity of the audience and the successful bidders.


Sponsorship totals under the current committee. (since 2004)


A grand total of £56,584 from proceeds of the 50/50 Draw donated to Bees and Storm riders.

A grand total of £12,700 from Club funds donated to Juniors and Storm riders appearing in 2nd Half events at Brandon.


Young Lions sponsorship since 2012. (Total over £23,000)


2012 U16's £500. U21's £957.

2013 U16's £500. U21's £522.

2014 U16's £500. U19's £640.

2015 U16's £550.

2016 U16's £1500.

2017 U16's £1500.

2018 U16's £2000.

2019 U16's £2500.

2020 U16's/U19's £1500.

2021 U16's/U19's £2000

2022 U16's/U19's £2000

2023 U16's/U19's £2000

2024 U16's/U19's £2000

2025 U16's/U19's £2000

Proceeds from NSSC's events are used to help Neil Vatcher and the Young Lions so a very big thank you to everybody who supports these events and especially those riders, team managers, promoters, referees and the media who give up their time to entertain us.


We had a windfall from the sale of memorabilia rescued from Brandon and donated to the NSSC by Coventry Racing Club Ltd. There was a further donation of books, programmes and photographs by Colin Parker. All memorabilia has now been sold and has raised over £9500.

Thank you to everyone who purchased anything from us in the past few years.

Ben Fund evening at the NSSC 2018

An interesting, absorbing and emotional evening with special guests; Paul Ackroyd, Garry Stead, Adam Roynon and Ricky Ashworth raised a total of £500 for the SRBF.

We were also able to re-unite Ricky and Garry with their 2006 British Final race jackets which were rescued from Brandon before its closure.



Statement regarding the closure of Brandon (2016)
We are really saddened by what has been allowed to happen at Brandon but it will be business as usual at the NSSC as long as we continue to receive your great support. We will endeavour to continue to provide interesting evenings and events with the sole purpose to raise funds for Neil Vatcher and the GB Young Lions.

A Celebration of British Youth Speedway at the NSSC (2016)


The Young Lions Management held a “Celebration of British Speedway night” at the Nuneaton Speedway Supporters Club,  Brandon, Coventry on Saturday night to celebrate the success of all the 2016 British Champions.


With over 100 people in attendance, which included 6 of the 7 2016 British Champions, Danny King (Senior), Josh Bates (Under 21), Max Clegg (Under 19), Kyle Bickley (500cc Youth), Nathan Ablitt (150cc Youth) and Dan Thompson (125cc Youth).

The 250cc Youth Champion Leon Flint unfortunately was unable to attend due to a family illness.


Steve Brandon from Sky Sports compared the evening, and did a fantastic job interviewing the 6 British Champions who were in attendance, and along with GB Youth Boss Neil Vatcher, a number of the British Youth Sponsors.


Vatcher said, “Saturday was yet another first for the Young Lions to organise such an amazing and enjoyable evening and would like to thank the members of the Nuneaton Supporters Club for hosting us, and also to Brando for doing such a great job on the mic, and to all the riders and supporters who came along”.


“Thoughts are already in place on how we do it bigger and better next year” Vatcher said, and quoted with a cheeky smile, “perhaps we might think about organising a Big Awards night involving all of British Speedway with the proceeds going back to supporting the British Youth!”


Click here to view a video of the event. (It gets even more interesting as the years pass)

NSSC Rider of the Year 2016
The ever popular Danny King was recently voted Rider of the Year by club members. He was presented with his trophies and joined for a photo at a recent guest evening.
Unfortunately due to Brandon's closure Danny is the last recipient of the NSSC Rider of the Year trophy. Hopefully the time will come when we can present it again.
The Speedway Question Time Panel

Speedway Question Time 2016


A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Speedway Question Time event, especially to our panel of Neil Vatcher, Simon Stead, Tony Steele, Jim Lawrence, Graham Drury, Jim Lynch and our host David Rowe.


All money made on the night will help us continue to support young British riders.


Jeff Davies & Chris Simpson Photos


We would like to thank Jeff and Chris for granting us permission to use their photographs on our website.


If you'd like to see more of Jeff's photos visit his website https://jeffdavies.photodeck.com/

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